
<== Site of the Week for 2010-03-22 ==>

Tenth Amendment

The Founders of this Nation created a limited Federal Government with a small number of enumerated powers. Most rights were reserved to he states or the people.

The idea behind this structure was that the Fenderal Government would concentrate its full attention on the small set of national and international concerns necessary for the survival of the Republic.

The items that are most important to the people (such as education and health care) should be administered by entities closer to the people (the states, city and county governments).

States Rights have been under assault in recent history. Both Republic and Democratic legislatures have passed laws that infringed on states rights. Culprits include the No Child Left Behind Act, Federally Regulated Health Care, National ID, and more.

The Tenth Amendment Center encourages states to stand up and assert the 10th Ammendment Rights. Below is a YouTube Video from the Tenth Amendment Summit. You can follow the folks on FaceBook and Twitter. (Note, I think it would be cool to have a convention online.)

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Site NameTenth Amendment
Review History2010-03-22
Category Community Color: Local Politics
Page Views2904
NextUnited Nations Information Centres

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