
<== Site of the Week for 2012-10-22 ==>

the Green Party of the United States

The presidential candidates for the Green Party are Jill Stein and Cheri Honkala the Green Party of the United States. Their campaign is to end corporate influence in presidential politics by having government funded races, eliminating foreclosures. Jill Stein believes that chronic disease is created by our political system. Chronic disease will be eliminated if we had universal care.

Jill Stein simply wants to get rid of Wall Street, a total and complete elimination of "capitalism." We would have an infinite number of jobs and a green economy if we eliminated the financial system. If there was nothing but government, we would eliminate this thing where so people don't have resources. We would have a utopia with everyone in public housing, with public health care, and green EVERYWHERE!!!!!!

Jill Stein and Cheri Honkala on Third Party Politics from on Vimeo.

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Site Namethe Green Party of the United States
Review History2012-10-22
Category Community Color: Political Parties
Page Views2469
PreviousConstitution Party

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