
<== Site of the Week for 2012-01-09 ==>

Paul D Sippil and Associates

Paul D Sippil and Associates talks about the hidden fees in IRAs (Investment Retirement Accounts). The hidden fees often create an illusion that services are free.

There is no such thing as a "free service." When marketers uses the term "free," they usually mean the costs are hidden or externalized onto others.

The odd effect of hidden fees is that we end up loving the people who live on hidden fees and and up blaming our financial woes on the innocent parties saddled with the costs of the hidden fees.

Mr. Sippil believes that full disclosure of financial fees would dramatically improve the investment landscape. Disclosure has another name: honesty. I don't know if this firm is honest, but the message is important, for this current system of hidden fees means we can't ferret out the ne're-do-wells. The amount of money being funnelled off by the current financial system is staggering.

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Site NamePaul D Sippil and Associates
Review History2012-01-09
Category Community Color: Finance
Page Views2275
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