
<== Site of the Week for 2009-02-16 ==>


I admit, I fret about the ten trillion dollars in debt held by the United States.

Current the US government is borrowing hundreds of billions of dollars, then loaning that money out to banks with the hope that they can "jump start" the American economy.

If the government borrows the money they lend out, then it seems to me that their game is a wash. They would pull as much productive money out of the economy as they put back in.

The process might even be a net negative for the US since our nation must borrow abroad to get the money that we want to lend out.

Because I've been fretting about the size of the US debt, I thought I would make the site the site of the week. This site lets the public at large buy treasury bonds.

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Site NameTreasuryDirect
Review History2009-02-16
Category Community Color: Finance
Page Views3746
NextSociety for Ecological Restoration, The

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