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🠈  Review the World  🠊


Review the World

The Review the World project is a collection of communities that I launched on SteemIt and Hive. The communities will discuss the art and importance of quality link development. The communities will include web site reviews in conjunction with the Community Color project.

In recent years social media sites like Twitter, Youtube, Facebook and HIVE have come to dominate the internet.

I believe that the World Wide Web is more interesting than social media sites. Social media sites constrain their users. The web at large allows developers full control of their creations. More importantly, the web is the ultimate distributed platform in that it allows billions of independently owned web sites on different servers to coincide.

Web developers cannot ignore social media sites; however, I think they should conscientiously work to pull people from social media sites back into the real web.

The best way to do this is with web site reviews.

The Hive Hardfork

There is currently a bitter feud between SteemIt and Hive. A corporate raider took over SteemIt and stole funds from the developers of SteemIt.

I side with Hive in the dispute. However, I wish to point out that most of the world is beyond our control and so we must learn to deal with groups that we do not like.

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