🠈 Lab Scam 🠊
Lab Scam
While researching the evolution of modern corporate structures, I came across the term "Lab scam." This term refers to unnecessary tests performed for the purpose of billing insurance companies. In the worst form of scam, tests may have been billed without taking place.
I want to point out, however, that the value of tests lie in eyes of the beholder.
Let's say a person is monitoring or diagnosing a disease. This person will order numerous tests. Having bureaucrats labeling groups of test "unnecessary" is as much of a scam as a doctor ordering a test to get a kickback.
This page simply lists references to the term "labscam." NOTE: I suspect that I will find multiple references to this term (which is why I created this page.)
- 1991: Wikipedia claims that LabCorp became the focus of labscam investigations starting in 1991.
- 1997: PBS published an article claiming that $200 Billion is lost annually from unnecessary tests: