
<== Site of the Week for 2012-03-19 ==>

Stand Up for Religious Freedom

Stand Up for Religious Freedom is an effort by Pro-Life groups to hold a rally at Federal Buildings in protest of mandates in the PPACA bill on March 23, 2012.

PPACA requires religious groups to fund the morning after pill and other contraceptive techniques they find morally objectionable. The term "abort" means to stop a process after it has started. The Morning After Pill creates a hormonal imbalance that prevent fertilized eggs from implanting. People who adhere to dictionary definitions consider the game of stopping something after it has started to be abortion.

If the principles of dialectical politicals hold true, I suspect that there will be counter protests in favor of the mandates.

The administration had done careful polling on the issue and created a mandate that 65% of the people agree with. If the polling is correct, the contentious debate will most likely end in Obama's favor.

I think the protest notable because it shows that government control of health care leads directly to greater division and discord in society.

Group funding of personal care always leads to contention. A better approach is to restore the principle of self funded health care.

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Site NameStand Up for Religious Freedom
Review History2012-03-19
Category Community Color: Health Care Reform
Page Views2097
PreviousSeafood Watch

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